In this Sustainability journey that began a decade ago, we seek to improve the environmental and social impact of our activities.
The sustainability strategy of Água de Luso is aligned with the commitment of Sociedade Central de Cervejas e Bebidas, clearly imbued and integrated in the business activities, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, towards a fairer and healthier world with zero emissions.
- The new handle of the Água do Luso demijohn has less plastic. In one year, we managed to reduce the equivalent to the weight of 19 cork oak trees. The Planet is grateful! (average weight of each cork oak - 1200kg)
- Since 2005, we have already reduced 30% of PET in our packaging, which translates into a reduction of 900 tons of plastic per year
The 30% reduction of PET in our plastic packaging every year is equivalent to the weight of 18 whales! That's a lot of tons! (weight of each whale 50 tons).